Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just the Five of Us

Today's shift was slow. I only received one call today, but we spoke for 44 minutes and it was a request. This was the Beastie Boy. Now, I don't recall if I mentioned in the previous post about him that his thing is that he wants me to be 100% real. He told me to only be honest with him about what turns me on and what I do to myself while we are on the phone. Yeah, okay ... whatever you say, buddy. I guess all that matters is that I'm a good enough actress to convince him that I'm really into him ... you know, he's the only caller I have that gets me hot, etc.

The conversation started slow, hi how are you and all that. Then I immediately went into how I felt cheated during our last call because we were cut off and he couldn't get back through due to another call that had been waiting for me. He told me he had called right back but they told him I was on another call. I feigned disappointment and then told him about how hot he had gotten me and that I couldn't keep my hands off myself during the call that followed because I was thinking about him.

He didn't believe me at first, but thanks to my primo note taking skills, I was able to reiterate most of what we had discussed prior, and he was so amazed. That got him all in a tizzy and he wanted to dive into fantasy mode. He was watching an amateur porn while we were talking and he described about 10 minutes, play by play, to me. YAWN!!! But hey, it filled up money making time, did it not?

In the end, we ended up picking up where we had left off in the first call. It was a fantasy with him, myself, two other women and another man. I wouldn't even begin to know how to describe the scenario, but you can bet that the minute he shot off, he was ready to get off the phone. Mr. Mister, who had made a big deal about being concerned about my needs? Yeah, not so much. That's okay though, I'm sure he'll call me again ... ka-ching!!!

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